playlist: january 24, 2018
this show included a live performance from the amazingly talented shake the baby til the love comes out (seattle, wa)! thank you both so much for stopping by KCSB and playing on my show :.) <3
1. "How Simple" / Hop Along [N] **
2. "Composite" / Palm [N]
3. "Steal Me Sum Candy" / Kuromi [N]
4. "Today I Walked Down to the Tree, Read a Book, and When I Was Done I Went Back Inside" / Kal Marks [N]
5. "Feel It All" / Holy Now [N]
6. "Premonitory Dream" / Crying
7. "Landscapes" / Hana Vu
8. "Natural Disasters" / Enon
9. "Ram Jam" / Pinky Pinky
10. "Carrots" / Skating Polly
11. "Perfect Song" / Special Explosion
12. "Sam vs. Space" / Junipur
13. "Star 67" / Dogleg **
14. "The Ocean" / Sad Park
15. "Coconut Congo 64" / Professor Caveman **
16. "Gum" / Have a Good Season
17. "Funk Island" / New Yesterday
18. "Spaceman" / Horse Jumper of Love **
19. "Someday" / Dust From 1000 Yrs **
20. "Early Bird Special" / Bread Pilot
photo by spencer vh