playlist: spring 2018

(Yes, I'm posting this in August bc better late than never right?)

Spring 2018 was probably one of the best quarters I've had in college, if not the best. I went to multiple shows every week and just tried to do as many fun things as possible with Ashlee since it was her last quarter of college (and therefore the last couple months of us living down the street from each other). I honestly can't even recount all the crazy things we did because there's so many... but we saw a lot of shows, did a lot of driving, ate an innumerable amount of smoothie bowls, and now we have 3 matching tattoos.

Here are some songs that made the soundtrack to these great couple o' months. <3

1. "Food Porno" / Richie Woods
2. "Scared" / ARTHUR
3. "Strawberry Blond" / Mitski
4. "Thrum a Dum" / Spud Cannon
5. "Sidewalk" / Momma
6. "I Feel Best When I'm Alone" / Michael Seyer
7. "This Little World" / Pickle Darling
8. "Nothing Ain't Nothing" / Diners
9. "Cool (feat. Satchy)" / Hana Vu
10. "Spin Around" / Wishing
11. "Death by Chocolate" / Soccer Mommy
12. "Dirt" / Rose Dorn
13. "How Was Your Day?" / Mellow Fellow, Clairo
14. "Keep on Loving" / Hala
15. "Wake Up Jacob" / Sitcom, Orion Sun
16. "Color Code" / Palm
17. "Pearl" / Holy Now
18. "White Fur" / Dear Nora
19. "Nothing Lasts" / Bedroom
20. "Pristine" / Snail Mail

musicMegan Neikirk